A Mindset Shift: Surviving to Thriving as a Wedding Professional

by | Jul 29, 2023

Mind Over Matter: Shifting Your Perspective

You live in America. A country of SO, SO MANY food choices!

From farmers’ markets to grocery stores, there’s a plethora of options available to you. 

It’s helpful to remind yourself that food is not a limited resource. 

You have the power to choose when and what you eat, without fear of scarcity (#merica). 

Oh— and where you eat too now (thanks to uber eats, door dash and all the others out there #notsponsored) 

This mindset shift, from scarcity to abundance, will allow you to approach meals with a sense of empowerment and make choices that align with your goals in the moment, instead of your feelings.

No Reason for a Binge: Prioritize Balanced Meals

When faced with long work hours and a never-ending to-do list, it’s very tempting to reach for quick fixes or indulge in a binge-stress-eating episode. 

But let me tell you a little secret—there’s no reason for it. Really.  

When you choose to eat smaller, balanced meals, that fuel, will provide you the sustained energy, stable blood sugar levels and will help you power through those busy wedding days without the crash. It’ll also lead you to that energy increase goals and keep you feeling satisfied throughout the day.

Instead of relying on unhealthy snacks or skipping meals altogether, prioritize balanced meals that include a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Protein is essential for repairing and building tissues, while carbohydrates provide energy for your body and brain. Healthy fats, such as avocados and nuts, are important for brain function and hormone production.

By including these three macronutrients in your meals, you’re giving your body the fuel it needs to function optimally. You’ll feel more focused, alert, and energized, which is crucial when you’re working long hours and need to be on top of your game.

The key is to plan ahead and have nutritious options readily available. Prepare your meals in advance, pack them in portable containers, and bring them with you to work or on wedding assignments. This way, you won’t be tempted to grab fast food or rely on vending machine snacks that lack nutritional value.

Embracing variety in your meals is also important for both physical and mental well-being. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques. Incorporate a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals to ensure you’re getting a wide range of nutrients.

Remember that food is not just about sustenance; it’s also about enjoyment and pleasure. 

Savor the flavors, textures, and aromas of the food you eat. 

Take the time to sit down, relax, and truly experience your meals. 

This mindful approach to eating can help you tune in to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, preventing overeating or mindless snacking.

Breaking Free from Food Guilt

You may be feeling a lot of pressure to maintain a certain appearance working in the wedding industry. This pressure can lead to feelings of guilt or shame when it comes to food choices. But it’s finally time to break free from that cycle.

Remember that food is not the enemy. It’s a source of nourishment and pleasure. 

By embracing an abundance mindset, you can let go of restrictive thoughts and allow yourself to enjoy a wide variety of foods without guilt.

It’s all about finding balance and moderation. 

Yes, you can indulge in that slice of wedding cake or enjoy celebratory dinner and drinks without feeling guilty. 

The key is to listen to your body and honor its needs. 

If you’re craving something sweet, have a small portion and savor every bite. 

If you’re hungry, nourish yourself with a balanced meal. Trust yourself and your body’s wisdom.

Creating Lasting Healthy Habits

Start by setting realistic goals that align with your lifestyle and values. Maybe it’s committing to regular exercise, incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet, or finding ways to manage stress. 

Whatever it is, break it down into small, manageable steps and celebrate your progress along the way.

Use WWP as your support system. Our mission is to uplift and encourages you on your journey. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to health and well-being as a dedicated wedding pro. Consider working with me, a nutrition coach and registered dietitian and give me the honor of providing you personalized guidance and accountability.

Remember, change takes time and effort. 

Be patient with yourself and embrace the journey. 

There will be ups and downs, but every small step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is a victory.

The bottom line is that there is no scarcity in food. 

You live in a world of abundance, with countless options to nourish your body and indulge your senses. By shifting your mindset and embracing this abundance, you can make empowered choices that fuel your well-being. Prioritize balanced meals, break free from food guilt, and create lasting healthy habits that support your journey in the wedding industry and beyond. You deserve to thrive both personally and professionally, and it all starts with embracing abundance in your relationship with food.

Are you struggling to create an abundance mindset in your wedding industry career?

You’re not alone, and I’m so honored to be here supporting you. Inside the Shine Method, my signature 1:1 coaching program, you’ll have individualized support to help you reach your goals, regardless of how busy your schedule gets. Unlike other nutrition programs, this was made specifically for people just like you that are working the wedding marathon every weekend so you can get support beyond “do some self-care”. 

Together, we’ll make a change that’ll leave you feeling your best.  

Apply to the Shine Method here. 


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