Don’t Let the Wedding industry Dull Your Sparkle, SHINE!

by | Aug 2, 2023

Imagine this: You’re in the middle of planning a dream wedding for a couple, and suddenly a vendor cancels at the very last minute. You feel the sweat trickling down your forehead as you stare at your phone. “No, no, no”. This CANNOT be happening right now.

But what if, instead, you used your energy to focus on new possibilities, innovative solutions, and a sense of calm in the middle of chaos.

I know it’s easier to immediately get angry, and think how will you ever find someone else.  

But if I know you like I think I do, there’s nobody more capable of fiercely staring a challenge dead in its eye and conquering the hell out of it than you. 

Plus, like what choice do you have? It has to get done.  

Worry about competition?

You may find yourself constantly comparing your work to others, fearing that there isn’t enough success to go around in the wedding industry. 

Hard truth: This comparison game you’re playing within yourself is energy sucking and preventing you from unleashing your truest potential in the wedding industry.  

It’s dulling your sparkle.  It’s not allowing your energy to SHINE

However, by developing an abundance mindset, you will finally begin to truly believe that the wedding industry is diverse, and it offers unique and authentic opportunities for everyone. 

You recognize that collaboration is key, and by supporting and uplifting fellow professionals, you create a network of abundance where success can be shared and celebrated.

An abundance mindset also extends to your own talents and skills. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt and imposter syndrome, questioning whether you’re talented enough, good enough, needed enough or deserving of success.

You are all of those things.  

You are talented.  

You are enough just the way you are.

You are authentic. 

Your niche in the wedding industry is YOU and it’s sitting dormant inside of you waiting to be unleashed.  

When you embrace an abundance mindset, you acknowledge your strengths, celebrate your achievements, and believe in your ability to create extraordinary experiences for each couple that chooses you to be a part of one of the most important and beautiful days of their entire life.  

You understand that there is room for growth and continuous improvement, and each wedding is an opportunity to showcase your unique talents and leave a lasting impact not only on your couples, but on the wedding industry too.  

To create an abundance mindset, practice gratitude daily. 

I’m not just talking about saying thank you. Are you thankful or is it a reflex to say thank you?

→ Thankful for every single thing you have right now at this moment.

→ The air in your lungs.

→ The food on your plate.

→ The fact that you’ve woken up another day able to conquer the world. 

Or are you just over there wishing you had more and more?  

Focus on the abundance already present in your life and in the weddings you have been privileged to be a part of. 

Celebrate even the smallest wins and shift your perspective from scarcity to abundance. 

Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded professionals who inspire and uplift you. 

That’s literally the reason I started my business, Wellness for Wedding Professionals. 

So you have a community of wedding pros like you who:

  • are not competitive
  • who love deeply 
  • who dream fiercely
  • & who are just like you. 

Visualize your success and believe that it is within your reach. 

Because it is. 

By working to nourish your being with positive thoughts, embracing collaboration, and trusting in your own abilities, you will unlock your abundance mindset and create a thriving and fulfilling career as a wedding professional.

Three Simple Steps to Foster an Abundance Mindset for Wedding Professionals:

  1. Practice Gratitude: Take a few moments each day, while you’re in your car, or just somewhere you won’t be distracted, to express gratitude for the blessings in your life and your career as a wedding professional. Focus on the positive aspects of your work, the joy you bring to couples’ lives, and the endless opportunities that come your way. By creating and practicing a grateful mindset, you’ll shift your focus from scarcity to abundance.
  2. Celebrate Others’ Success: Instead of feeling threatened or envious of other wedding professionals’ achievements, choose to celebrate them. Send a congratulatory message, leave a positive comment on their social media posts, or recommend their services to others. By embracing a mindset of abundance, you acknowledge that success is not a zero-sum game, and there’s enough abundance for the entire industry.  People at the top (that’s where you’re going) don’t compete, they connect. OH- And before you say you aren’t there yet, YOU GOTTA ACT THE PART TO GET THERE!
  3. Embrace Collaboration: Look for opportunities to collaborate and support other wedding professionals. Join industry groups, attend networking events, and engage in meaningful conversations. By creating real and authentic relationships built on collaboration rather than competition, you’ll tap into a network of like-minded professionals who can uplift and inspire you. Together, you can create a thriving community where abundance flows effortlessly.  

Developing an abundance mindset is a transformative journey that can revolutionize your health, your career and the wedding industry.  

By shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance, you open yourself up to new opportunities, build strong relationships, and unlock your full, truest, and most authentic potential. 

Success is not limited, and there is room for everyone. 

Start creating an abundance mindset today, and watch as your career flourishes with joy, fulfillment, and endless possibilities.

If you’re struggling to create an abundance mindset and want support in shifting your perspective and mindset, I’m here to help. Apply to The Shine Method here and let’s start your wellness journey through the wedding industry together. 


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