It’s FINE, I’m FINE, everything is FINE

by | May 5, 2023

Hey there, energized wedding pro! 

Does healthy eating feel impossible because it just takes up too much time? 

Trust me, it doesn’t need to take you hours or take away that precious free time you have on your off days.

Do you find yourself stressed over what to cook every day? 

Fear not, because the solution might be simpler than you think. 

In fact, it might be as easy as eating the same thing every day.

Let’s talk about the fact that you’re constantly juggling various tasks from meeting with clients to executing flawless events. 

It’s no wonder that eating healthy often falls to the wayside. 

But with the right mindset, simplifying your nutrition can actually be the key to achieving your wellness goals and increasing your energy levels.

“It’s fine, everything is fine” might be my favorite quote, because it’s a reminder that we don’t always have to stress or worry. And when it comes to eating the same thing every day, it’s more than just “fine” – it can actually offer several benefits for you.

Eating the same thing every day can save time and money. 

You don’t have to spend hours meal prepping or constantly brainstorming new recipes. Instead, you can simply prepare a large batch of a healthy, nutritious meal and eat it throughout the week.

This can also help you resist the temptation of ordering takeout or indulging in unhealthy snacks, which can save you money in the long run.

In addition, eating the same thing every day can make it easier to track your nutrition and ensure that you’re getting all of the necessary nutrients your body needs.

 By eating a balanced meal repeatedly, you can more easily monitor your portion sizes and know exactly what you’re putting into your body, keeping your blood sugars balanced and your energy up! 

But what about the worry that comes with monotony? 

You’re probably asking “Amanda, won’t I get bored of eating the same thing every day?”

The truth is, variety isn’t always necessary for a fulfilling and healthy diet. In fact, studies have shown that consuming a limited variety of foods can actually lead to increased mindfulness and satisfaction with meals.

Of course, variation is still important for overall health and nutrition. But it’s okay to embrace repetition and find comfort in routine. 

You already have enough decisions to make throughout our day – you may find that simplifying your meals is the relief you’ve been looking for, and not much of a burden at all.

But how do we develop the mindset to let go of toxic thoughts and self-criticism surrounding food and nutrition? 

It starts with self-awareness and self-compassion. 

Recognize the negative thought patterns that come up for you around food and gently challenge them. Remember that there are no “good” or “bad” foods – it’s all about moderation and balance.

It can also be helpful to reframe your mindset around healthy eating. 

Instead of viewing it as a restriction or punishment, see it as a way to fuel your body and feel your best. Incorporate foods that you genuinely enjoy and find ways to make healthy eating more enjoyable, such as trying out new spices or experimenting with different cooking methods.

Making simple modifications to your nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset can have a profound impact on your overall wellness as a wedding professional. 

So the next time someone feels the need to comment on what you’re eating, or notices that you’re eating the same food items each day, just remember: “it’s fine, everything is fine.”

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with healthy eating, take a step back and simplify. 

Consider incorporating a few go-to meals into your routine that you can make in large batches and eat throughout the week. 

And remember to approach your nutrition with a mindset of self-compassion, self-love and balance.

Wish you had someone to hold your hand while you figure out this whole nutrition thing?

Click here to apply for 1:1 nutrition coaching.

all my sunshine, love & admiration,

Amanda Jane RDN


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