From Hungry to Happily Ever After

by | Oct 28, 2022

“I’m too tired!” or “I have no time” or “I just want to go to sleep” or “I’ll do it tomorrow”

Wedding pro, you are constantly on the go and sometimes, okay well most of the time, you miss meals or you just eat whatever is convenient. Does missing a meal or snack or eating fast food make you feel and perform at your very best? 

No, I know it doesn’t.   

There are a few reasons why balanced meals and snacks are nourishing and appropriate for busy and active professionals like yourself.  First, when you eat a balanced meal or snack, you are getting a variety of nutrients that your body needs to actually function properly. 

K.  I hear you. What does it mean to have a “properly functioning” body? 

Your body is your unique & super complex vessel.  It needs the right fuel including; vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to maintain specific functions.   This includes maintaining healthy bones & muscle mass, supporting lung functions, a.k.a. breathing, supporting organs, producing energy and developing the body’s immune system. That’s what I mean when I say “to function properly.”

Secondly, when you have a balanced meal or snack, that includes: vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fat that is a balanced one. You are more likely to feel satisfied and have sustained energy levels throughout the day if you choose this method. This is important for you as you need to be able to focus and have energy to get through long work weeks and weekends.  

Lastly, balanced meals and snacks can help to control your weight. When you have a balanced diet, you are less likely to overeat or make unhealthy food choices.

Staying healthy and strong during wedding prep is essential.   This means yes; eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. I know you’ve heard it before—and legit—you’ll hear it again and again. When you’re rushing around on wedding days, you need to be able to rely on your body to be strong and bridezilla proof (lol), yeah I said it.   If you don’t eat well and exercise regularly, you can’t expect your body to perform at its best when you’re working those long hard hours.  

But hear me out—-staying healthy—well it also means nourishing your mind, body AND soul.  Even though you are so busy, seemingly having no time, I promise you, you have the time and you need to carve it out to take care of your health and practice self-care in some capacity.  And this is NOT just for your job. It is for YOU, the person and soul that you are.  It’s for your family and your future.  

On wedding days, I always tried to balance my meals so that I had carbohydrates, protein, fat & fiber at every meal I had, even snacks.  My favorite meal that helped me sustain energy was always breakfast. I loved setting aside some time to eat before my busy day began.  I usually made some oatmeal with bananas, raisins, almond butter, peanuts, and a hard boiled egg on the side.  For lunch, I always packed my lunch bag & had some kind of sandwich, with tomatoes, lettuce and pickles (i love pickles), a piece of fruit, a small bag of chips.  And for snacks, I always have fruit, cheese sticks, nuts with me to keep my energy up.

Another big challenge is making sure that you are drinking enough water. Staying hydrated, especially when you are constantly on the go, is seemingly always impossible. And yes- I’ve been there-, it can be easy to forget to drink water when you are so busy. Make sure to carry a water bottle with you so that you can stay hydrated. There are always pretty bathrooms in wedding venues and just FYI- YOU HAVE TIME TO PEE- okay maybe not in the middle of a wedding ceremony-but there’s time! So, no excuses there! 

Moving toward a healthy lifestyle can result in improved mental and physical well-being. As a result, you will have increased energy, stamina, and maybe even improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels. You’ll have much less stress and anxiety, and the ability to better handle the ups and downs that come with wedding preparation. The biggest threat to being a balanced wedding professional is poor self-care. When you don’t take care of yourself, it’s easy to get run down and sick. This can lead to missed work, poor performance, and even burnout. And afterall, that’s what we’re on the mission to avoid! 

with sunshine, Amanda


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