The No-Sugarcoating Way to Wellness:  How a Wellness Coach Can Help Wedding Professionals Find Work-Life Balance

by | May 28, 2023

Are you running on fumes and feeling like a fried chicken nugget? 

Well, let me tell you, you’re not alone! 

The wedding industry is like a treadmill at full speed, and we’re all struggling to keep up. But trust me, it doesn’t have to be this way, and that’s where I come in as your wellness coach.

Now, let me set the record straight. 

I’m not one to sugarcoat things.

I believe in a straightforward, no-nonsense approach, a bit like Sriracha sauce! 

But don’t worry, I’m not an ogre. 

I value kindness, empathy, and understanding as we journey together towards your wellness goals.

You know, finding balance in the wedding industry can be harder than finding a unicorn in a pasture of cows. It’s like there’s always another challenge or deadline lurking around the corner, waiting to pounce. But with my customized plan that suits your unique needs, you’ll be able to conquer those stressors like a boss. Whether you need help meal planning, managing stress, or snatching a few minutes for self-care, I’m here for you.

And let’s face it, life is always better with accountability, am I right? Whether it’s your partner, your bestie, or your coach (that’s me!), having someone to check in and keep you on track can make all the difference. I promise to be there for you, cheering you on when you’re smashing those goals and holding you accountable when you’re slacking (with tough love, of course).

So what are you waiting for? Let’s work together and bring some balance and wellness back into your life. I promise to bring the humor and make the journey fun, even if we sometimes feel like we’re running on a hamster wheel (but without the hay and spinning poop).

Here’s what I really help my clients with:

Listen to Your Unique Situation

Picture this: You’re standing on a mountaintop, and I’m standing right next to you, listening to your unique story. 

Okay, maybe we’re not on a mountaintop, but you get the idea. 

The point is, I’m here to listen to your story, and I understand that no two people are the same. 

That’s right, you’re one of a kind, wedding pro! 

So, let’s take the time to really get to know your unique situation, challenges, and goals. Together, we’ll create a wellness plan that works just for you!

Assess Your Needs and Goals Once 

Let’s get real for a second. 

How often do you assess your wellness routine? 

If you’re anything like me, the answer is “not often enough.” 

Don’t worry; we’re in this together! Once we know your goals and needs, I’ll help you take a deep dive into your current habits and lifestyle factors. We’ll look at everything from your eating habits to your exercise routine to your stress levels. 

Trust me; I’ve got an eagle eye for living life to the fullest!

Create a Customized Plan Together, WITH You 

It’s time to put your wellness puzzle pieces together and create a customized plan that incorporates everything you need to thrive! 

Think of me as your personal wellness mastermind. 

We’ll work together, step-by-step, towards your achievable goals. If you need help meal prepping, I’m here to coach you through it. If you’re struggling with a workout routine, I’ve got your back! 

Not feeling as relaxed as you’d like after a long day? 

Let’s find some new techniques to help you unwind!

Provide Accountability 

Let me be your wellness hype-woman! 

I’m not here to nag you, but I am here to give you the kickstart you need to move forward. I’ll serve as your accountability partner, checking in on your progress, providing motivation, and support to help you stay on track towards your goals. 

No more excuses! 

With me in your corner, we’ve got this!

Okay, okay, I know that some of you might be feeling a bit intimidated by the thought of accountability. But, let me tell you, it’s a game-changer. You’ll be amazed at how having someone to check-in with regularly can help you stay on track towards your wellness goals. With me, there’s no judgment, only support.

So, no more spinning your wellness wheels alone. It’s time to have someone on your team who’s in your corner cheering you on every step of the way.

Now, let’s talk about a few more things I can offer you

Educate on Wellness Science Along The Way

I’m not just here to be your personal cheerleader (although, I’m pretty good at it if I do say so myself). 

I’m also here to teach you the science behind wellness. 

I want to help you understand the benefits of specific foods, so you can make better-informed choices. 

Want to learn how to manage stress more effectively? I’ve got all the tools and resources you need! 

Curious about how to create a healthy work-life balance? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered..

Celebrate Your Successes 

Fun fact about me: I’m a firm believer in having fun and living life to the very fullest, and seizing every opportunity presented to us, and wellness is no exception. 

We all need a little bit of positivity in our lives, especially when it comes to celebrating our successes! 

You might be surprised at how big an impact celebrating even the smallest of successes can have on your wellness journey. 

And let me tell you, I am all about a celebration! 

Whether it’s hitting your daily step count or getting a promotion at work, 

I want to be the first to cheer you on and give you the extra boost of confidence you need to keep moving forward.


Listen, let’s get real for a second. Sometimes, we all need a little bit of tough love. 

I’m never going to sugarcoat anything. 

My values around practicing tough love as a coach:

Honest Feedback

As your wellness coach, I’m not here to hold anything back. If I see that you’re falling short or if there’s an area that needs improvement, I’ll tell you. After all, sugarcoating things will only do you a disservice in the long run. But trust me, my honesty is just what you need to keep moving forward and achieving lasting change.

Setting High Expectations

It’s time to set the bar high, baby! I believe that everyone is capable of greatness, and so I set high expectations for my clients. I’m here to challenge you to push past your limits and reach for your full potential. Sure, these expectations may be intimidating at first, but they also inspire my clients to rise to the occasion and do their best.

Encouraging Tough Decisions

Let’s be honest: sometimes, making tough decisions is the only way to achieve lasting change. As a coach, I encourage my clients to make the tough decisions that will serve them best in the long run, even if it means short-term discomfort or inconvenience. Remember, the ultimate goal is to achieve your dreams and make meaningful changes in your life. With a little bit of tough love from me, you’ll be amazed at how far you can go!

There you have it, my friend.

 I am more than a wellness coach, I’m your partner in your wellness journey. 

I am here to listen to your story, understand your unique challenges and goals, and create a customized plan that works specifically for you.

As your personal wellness mastermind, I am here to dive deep into your current habits and lifestyle factors, and work together with you to create realistic goals that are achievable. From meal prepping to exercise routines to stress management techniques, I’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure you achieve long-lasting change.

I promise to be your accountability partner, to motivate and support you, and provide the extra push when you need it. As we work together to achieve your wellness goals, I’ll educate you on wellness science and provide you with resources to ease your journey.

I am your personal wellness cheerleader, and I’m here to celebrate your wellness wins, no matter how small or big. With me in your corner, you’ll be amazed at how far positivity can take you.

While I always approach my clients with kindness and empathy, I’ll give honest feedback and challenge you to push past your limits to unleash the champion within you. And don’t worry, I’ll be here every step of the way to help you make tough decisions that will lead to long-lasting change.

So, my friend, are you ready to achieve your wellness goals and rock the wedding industry with your wellness mindset? Because when you hire me as your wellness coach, we are in this together. Let’s do this!

If you’re struggling with prioritizing your wellness while planning for the wedding of your dreams, it’s time to take action! My 1:1 wellness coaching program is designed to help you achieve your goals and find balance in your busy life. Whether you need help with nutrition, exercise, stress management, or anything else related to your well-being, I’m here to support you on your journey.

Don’t wait any longer to invest in your health and happiness! Click here to apply to my program, and let’s work together to create the wellness routine that works just for you. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

all my love, sunshine & admiration,

Amanda Jane, RDN.


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